Tuesday, January 5, 2010

As if we didn't have enough snow already. They are calling for more snow tomorrow. I am so stir crazy- need to get out of this house. I have so been dreaming about tropical islands lately where my fingers do not stick to door handles due to sub degree weather:) I just want to jump on a plane and go somewhere. I do, I do.

I love that my friends are all across the Earth at this very moment. South Africa, Paris, Korea, Texas, New York City and on and on. What a lovely thing. Answering the call. I am so proud to have world changing friends- we are all in this together. United in love, justice and worship. Exciting, huh?

My playlist is consumed with Faith+Hope+Love album. Something so inspiring and uplifting about this album.

That being said, I have decided as I am learning to play this here guitar the first songs I am going to learn to -that is a whole lot of Creedence Clearwater Revival just because I love them. Brooke Fraser, Jesse Baylin, worship and then every other piece of music I can get my hands on. I am excited for this season of music- I really am.

“Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love that. So true.

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