Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Heart, thoughts, prayers so with Haiti today. How incredibly devastating. You know you try to proceed with life as normal, doing the mundane tasks of the day, but how can you, knowing that much devastation, loss and grief just struck a country full of beautiful people. Someone lost their mother, father, family, home or life yesterday. How incredibly blessed yet broken I feel today.

Find some way to aid in relief efforts. Donate. Pray. Donate. Donate. They need us. This is what the hands and feet of Christ look like. Let's rise up and bring hope, restoration, love in whatever way that we can.

Tell your family you love them. It really puts things in perspective, I was battling some things in my heart today, but they seem so insignificant when you look at this situation. We have life and family today while an entire country's world was just shattered.

Let love always be our motivation in everything.

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