Saturday, January 9, 2010

Yes, this is a Taylor Swift song, i absolutely adore her.

I have heard this song multiple times and I don't believe that it ever impacted me the way it did last night. I heard it in the car on the way home from work, driving the same roads I did back in high school many many nights with my friends. Whether it was trying to find the party location or just driving to meet up with your BC friends. That road is SO familiar. As I was driving it, I was reminiscing as this song played. Tears welled up in my eyes on this line "When all you wanted was to be wanted, wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now." No regrets, just a whole lot of things in my life that needed to worked out stemming from high school (worked out-done). Isn't it funny that when a boy tells you in high school that he loves you, you seriously believe him even though your parents are trying to tell you "baby, don't fall for this" but you fall and it crushes you. It seems like an eternity ago, all the days of hoping to see this boy or trying to have the best outfit, in hopes to fit in and be the coolest or the prettiest or the hottest, in high school lingo. huh, what an interesting time in life when you are living your life completely for the acceptance of other people, or at least I did.

I see high school girls now and I just want to take their face in my hands and say "baby don't fall for it" or "this isn't the end of the world it's just high school" or "you'll do greater things than dating the boy on the football team" haha. i do remember those words coming out of my mom's mouth and I just didn't listen. I remember how every little thing would crush you. If someone said something about you, if someone didn't like you, if you got in fight with your best friend, if the boys didn't think you were the prettiest, it seemed as though life was over. I happened to be a insecure and broken little girl in high school so that may just be me. But it really got me thinking.

I do have some of the very lovely memories from high school, others I would rather them just be erased from my memory. BUT those make us who we are right? or is that just an excuse because some things really didn't make you stronger they absolutely shattered you to pieces. hmm, not quite sure.

This song I think will forever hold a place in my heart, I think it is some of the best advice to the lovely little ladies out there. Take it, I promise it's true.

love. xx

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