Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Staying in on this unbearably cold snowy evening. Miserable outside. Drinking many cups of hot tea to stay warm.

I really really just love my mom. She truly is such an incredible human being. Sometimes I cannot even believe she did this all on her own. I took care of a baby for 3 days and was literally so exhausted, I rested the whole day after he left. My momma did it all by herself with all three of us with hardly any money ever. She worked night and day just to give us necessities. I really cannot even fathom how she did it. I am so so blessed to have a mom who loved us enough to sacrifice everything and I do mean everything. I have watched so many parents walk away from their duties because it is just too much of a burden, she never did once.

The point of all of that being, she is now going to start foster parenting, what lucky kiddos! I can't wait, I hope I am still around to meet the little bubbas. (I hope they are girls, I want to take them shopping and do their hair.) Regardless of gender, I will love any child that walks through that door. Can't even begin to imagine the atrocities that these children have been pulled out of. Just let me love them. I do believe with all my heart that love never fails.

On a less serious note, I think I am beginning to master the art of cooking. Well master may not be the appropriate word but I am well on my way. This season of my life in which boredom has induced frequent cooking parties, by myself might I add, will make some man very happy someday;) I can officially follow a recipe and have it turn out fairly well, it just takes some time and THAT I have a lot of.

I received 2 phone calls today about freelance work- logos, newspaper ads and such. I am a bit nervous because I really haven't done a lot with it since I graduated. I just need to put my business/creative cap back on and do it. Just buy the MacBook I have been looking at for like 2 years with the programs I need. Turn my penny pinching mind off and think of it as an investment into my career. Right?

Well i do believe that I have officially dumped all things in my mind into this lovely blog for the day.

show of the moment- the office
song of the moment- Trent Dabbs and Ashley Monroe- "I'm coming over"

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