Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reading this morning about Abraham, I always love reading about him. So much promise.

Snowed in again today. My mom is making help her "clean the house from top to bottom," this meaning going through all the tubs of clothes and papers and sorting through them. I snuck off to my room as she reminisced over the tub filled every project we have ever made, since we were 2. She will be there for awhile, when i left she was crying over a letter I wrote her when I was 8.

So for the last year and a half or so, me and my mom have become for the most part intensely healthy eaters. I mean we go out to eat sometimes and splurge on Chinese but for the most part we try and eat all natural things. Veggies, fruit, granola, soy milk and on and on. The funny thing is I use to eat frozen pizzas and SO much processed food. Now, I can taste if anything is processed and it literally makes me sick to my stomach. To think that I was putting all that stuff in my body without a second thought is a little scary. YUCK.

I am so excited to someday have an amazing loft/apartment to decorate. I mean you should see my room/space in the basement where I store things. I pick up little things here and there (thrift stores, home stores, GW) that I want to put in my apartment. Now, I just feel a little cluttered and a bit claustrophobic with all the things I have bought for my future living space. It's a mess of things- I look at photos on BHG or HGTV and my heart literally does flip flops at the thought of getting to decorate my little abode.

I WILL have a wall of old records that will look something like this with a few more records on the wall:

old records wall Pictures, Images and Photos

Well my mom is calling. dang, she finally saw I was missing. Off to clean.

Happy day to you friends.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow, i just read this. i feel like we would live perfectly together.

    "so lovely together" - what song is that!
