Friday, January 15, 2010

Still shook to the core about Haiti. What a horrible, horrible thing. I have been watching footage and getting updates on CNN for the last couple days. I find myself in tears repeatedly just reading, looking at photos, praying, overwhelmed by this natural disaster. As I was watching rescue efforts, I heard the words coming out of my mouth "someone please just help them" This link has a photo, number 7. These bodies are not just piles of bodies. They are individuals who had dreams, families, hopes, lives. I do believe that heaven just ushered in a mass of beautiful people.

So much recently, we have witnessed a whole lot of news and information convincing us how awful and dark people/humanity has become. I am convinced otherwise, watching the world, most all countries uniting to bring aid and supplies to a devastated nation has truly been a beautiful thing to witness. I am literally blown away and astounded. To see Haitian people digging with their hands to free people under collapsed buildings brings tears to my eyes. I pray that we never forget this uniting of nations, political parties, enemies and cultures, let us all put down our offenses within communities and countries and political stances and just continue to fight death, poverty, trafficking, injustice together as one world.

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